
【英语操场】听歌学英语—Everything at Once

时间:2017-02-03 11:19:37来源:本站
As slyas a fox,as strong as an ox
As fast as a hare,as brave as a bear
As free as a bird,as neat as a word
As quiet as a mouse,as big as a house
All I wanna be,all I wanna be
Oh all I wanna be
Is everything
As mean as a wolf,as sharp as a tooth
As deep as a bite,as dark as the nigh
As sweet as a song,as right as a wrong
As long as a road,as ugly as a toad
As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture
Strong like a family,strong as I wanna be
Bright as day,as light as play
As hard as nails,as grand as a whale
All I wanna be
Oh all I wanna be,oh all I wanna be
Is everything
Everything at once
Everything at once
Oh oh everything at once
As warm as the sun,as silly as fun
As cool as a tree,as scary as the sea
As hot as fire,cold as ice
Sweet as sugar and everything nice
As old as time,as straight as a line
As royal as a queen,as buzzed as a bee
Stealth as a tiger,smooth as a glide
Pure as a melody,pure as I wanna be

       “Everything at Once”是澳大利亚歌手 Lenka的第二张专辑 “Two”中的歌曲,因其灵动活泼的旋律与 Windows 8电脑操作系统敏捷多变的功能相契合而被选为 Windows 8广告歌曲,从而为大众所知和喜爱。
     听歌时,大家首先会注意到,整首歌反复使用了 “as... as ...”结构。这一结构看似简单,但却是一个重要的英语句型。该结构的基本用法有两种,第一种是在两个 as中间加入一个形容词,表达一种正面衬托的概念,意为“像……一样……”,例如: He is as clever as that girl.(他像那个女孩一样聪明。)第二种是在两个 as中间加入一个副词,表示“尽可能……”,例如: He went there as quickly as he could.(他尽可能快地赶到了那里。)
       其次,这首歌的歌词中使用的形容词非常地道,俨然就是一个英语常用形容词使用指南!很值得我们学习。例如, “As mean as a wolf,as sharp as a tooth/As deep as a bite,as dark as the night”这两句歌词就告诉大家,形容狼卑鄙应该用 mean,形容牙齿锋利用 sharp最合适,形容咬痕很深用 deep最恰当,形容夜色很深用 dark最地道。
     接下来再看看这句话: All I wanna be is everything at once.喜欢看英语影视作品的同学常会看到 wanna这个词,与它相似的还有 gonna,其实这两个词就相当于我们平常说的 want to和 going to。这两个词在非正式场合的口语中很常用,可以使口语显得更加地道和流畅。但要注意,这两个词千万不要用在写作中,因为在书面表达中最忌使用口头语和过于口语化的表达。
      最后一起看看这首歌所表达的含义。这首歌的精髓在于副歌 “All I wanna be is ev⁃ erything at once”。歌手 Lenka在主歌中提到了那么多个 “as ... as ...”,又在副歌中唱道: All I wanna be is everything at once,很明显,整首歌就是想要表达一种像万物一般自在随意的感觉。
